Recruit Training
Sea Cadets must attend an official recruit training (RT) in order to advance in rank and experiences in the Sea Cadet Corps. Most cadets attend RT during the first summer of their first year. Cadets are required to complete RT in order to be eligible to attend any advanced training courses later.
Recruits are taught military customs and courtesy, physical fitness, marching, uniform wear and care, and a variety of other skills. Physical training is never used as a punishment, and the focus is on teamwork. As with all Naval Sea Cadet Corps training, safety of all involved is a top priority.
Recruit Training in Hawaii is usually held in June or July on the island of Oahu. It is a genuine "boot camp" experience which lasts approximately 10 days. As the season for recruit training nears, contact the unit training officer or any member of the leadership to arrange for a cadet's attendance at RT.